Mentorship Program

Over the course of building their careers, alumni have developed a unique set of experiences and learnings. However, as time passes, alumni participate less and less with UNAVSA and its new generation of members, having to re-learn those same lessons. Our Mentorship Program seeks to engage alumni with high-potential members to help develop the next generation of Vietnamese leaders and professionals through lived experiences in their career paths and with their involvement within the community.

Engage & develop

Our vision is a mentorship program that creates a professional coaching relationship between the mentor and mentee demonstrating interest in pursuing a similar career path. Mentors will help create a development path for the mentee, guiding them over one year, and mentees will provide a level of commitment to self-development. Each year culminates in a leadership summit where mentors discuss feedback and mentees present accomplishments through the experiential learning program.

Program Goals


  • Leverage experiences of Alumni Mentors in various industries for mentees
  • Provide opportunities to connect peers and colleagues for mentees
  • Facilitate opportunities for skills development associated with specific fields for mentees


  • Enhance self-understanding of strengths and areas of growth as leaders and learners
  • Provide opportunities to gain awareness of values, interests, interpersonal skill development, and career specific skills through formal and informal experiential experiences


  • Facilitate exploration and empowerment among the multiple dimensions of identity
  • Raise self-awareness of being Vietnamese
  • Discuss practical ways to build coalitions within the Vietnamese communities and beyond
  • Develop personal mentoring philosophies and leadership development

Personalized Coaching

Through an initial assessment of mentee’s and mentor’s specific and personal (1) goals and objectives, (2) strengths and (3) development areas, the ARC will be able to match mentorship relationship based of specific areas of needs of mentees and areas of expertise of mentors. Each monthly group webinar will consist of 1 formal and 1 informal session. After formal learning session, mentors are expected to develop appropriate and specific learning opportunity connected with topic to career field related experience for mentee. Curriculum will be provided to mentors prior to facilitation.

Group Workshops

Through the AMP Group Workshop curriculum, the mentees will have exposure towards personal development within professional, social, and individual realms of experiences and identities. AMP Group Workshops will be hosted (*once / twice a month*) through webinars in facilitating trainings and discussions. Topics may include:



Resumé Building

Career Fair Etiquette

Email Etiquette

Interviewing Skills







Defining Leadership

How to Lead

Opportunities to Lead

Interpersonal Skills


Co-Curricular Activities:

What Organizations to Join

How to Create Transferrable Experiences

How to Get Active

How to Be “Involved” after Higher Education



Genuine Friendships

Social Networks

Social Media

Social Justice:

Social Justice 101



Intersecting Identities



What is an Identity?

Social Identity Wheel

Story Maps

Who Am I?

My Major:

Switching Majors

Course Selections


Meetings with Advisors


Physical Health

Mental Health

Sleeping Habits


Frequently Asked Questions


  • Some leadership experience within the VSA space
  • Completed application
    • Must provide resume
    • Short answers to why become a mentor, what can you provide for mentee, how to hold accountability for self and mentee
  • Depending on field of expertise, at least 1 year of work experience in current field
  • Interview with Alumni Relations Committee (ARC)
    • Shortlisted applicants will have to schedule interview with ARC member to provide better pairing through interpersonal dialogue.


  • Completed application
    • Must provide resume
    • Short answers to why do you want to become a mentee, what are your expectations for the program, what are your learning outcomes and  goals, how to hold accountability for self and mentor
  • Interview with Alumni Relations Committee (ARC)
    • Shortlisted applicants will have to schedule interview with ARC member to provide better pairing through interpersonal dialogue.