Voting Closes Saturday, July 13, 2024, 11:59 PM PT

The voting period for the 2024-2026 UNAVSA Executive Board has closed.

Elections for the UNAVSA Executive Board take place every two years within one month before or after the annual UNAVSA Leadership Conference.  Candidates are elected by a simple majority of the Voting Body.

Learn more about the Executive Board Elections through our Constitution.

2024 UNAVSA Elections Town Hall

Meet the Candidates

UNAVSA is excited to introduce our elections candidates for the 2024-2026 Executive Board!

The Executive Board is the driving force of UNAVSA with task planning, organizing, and approving operations. E-Board manages the operations in accordance to the organization’s missions and values, as well as reviews short and long-term plans to sustain the structure of UNAVSA.

For more information and/or any inquiries, please contact us at [email protected].

Elections Timeline

  • March 27: Application Opens
  • April 20: Application Closes
  • June 14: Speeches Press Release
  • June 23: Town Hall
  • July 14: Candidates Announcement
  • Maintain general active management of the business of the organization
  • Ensure the effective action of the Executive Board in governing and supporting the organization and oversees Executive Board affairs
  • Acts as the representative of the entire organization, including speaking to the media and the community on behalf of the organization
  • Recommends and develops new committees, training, policies, and structures to be established to maintain general operations and growth of UNAVSA
  • Provides and maintains strategic direction of the organization to ensure initiatives and programs are reflective of UNAVSA’s audience current needs and wants
  • Manages and supports UNAVSA resource hub, VSAcademy, overseeing the overall activities of the committee, including content curation, quality assurance, and providing strategic direction 
  • Manages and supports the planning the UNAVSA Leadership Conference, including facilitating the location selection process
  • Serves as the liaison and Eboard representative for the UNAVSA Board of Directors
  • Maintains active communication and updates with regional organizations through the Presidents’ Council
  • Files any certificates required by any statute, federal or state

Matthew Nguyen


Internal Vice President Candidates

  • Act as the President in the absence of the President
  • Assist the President on the above or other specified duties
  • Manage inter-organizational issues and operations, such as staff development, internal policy development, and managing internal staff interactions
  • Leads the Council of Regional Representatives (CORR) in their UNAVSA specific roles and provides support in their duties of regional development
  • Collaborates with Cabinet to develop annual CORR projects
  • Hosts bi-weekly discussions on relevant topics for the North American VSA community
  • Facilitates any voting process as required by UNAVSA constitutions
  • Develop relationships with regional partners and other VSAs
  • Collaborate with the External Vice President to plan and execute grassroots campaigns within regional partner network
  • Oversees the work of the Collective Philanthropy Project (CPP) with support from the External Vice President and Treasurer
  • Develops the overall vision and goals for CPP
  • Facilitates the collaboration between the four (4) committees with support from External Vice-President and Treasurer

Sophia Trang


David Tran


External Vice President Candidates

  • Act as the President in the absence of the President and Internal Vice-President
  • Represent UNAVSA in coalitions and stakeholder space, and act as official liaison of the organization to all external partners and community members
  • Maintain and develop relationships with Vietnamese, Southeast Asian, and Asian communities, as well as other relevant non-profit, non-governmental and other relevant organizations
  • Conduct outreach to build common cause with relevant coalition members
  • Collaborate with coalitions and community organizations on the development and execution of strategic activities, campaigns, and other grassroots mobilizations
  • Oversee development and implementation of organizational civic engagement initiatives and policy direction
  • Lead organization in response to current events and political updates
  • Oversee development of initiatives to engage alumni
  • Oversee execution of UNAVSA mentorship program
  • Assess and expand the UNAVSA network through ongoing and progressive action

Katie Bui


Secretary Candidates

  • Act as the President in the absence of the President, Internal Vice-President, and External Vice-President, and Treasurer
  • Coordinate all technological onboarding and offboarding for staff and volunteers
  • Facilitates official communications to the public with the goal of maintaining transparency
  • Organizes all voting measures to the appropriate voting entities
  • Accountable for internal organization of records and managing clearance to appropriate entities
  • Manage the UNAVSA virtual mailbox
  • Manage the delivery and record keeping of all contracts
  • Coordinates the scheduling, organizing, and execution of technological platforms for public communications
  • Serve as primary support for administrative and technological needs
  • Give and serve all notices to members of this organization
  • Shall submit to relevant constituents any documents or records when appropriately requested as Secretary of the organization

Natalie Phan


Treasurer Candidates

  • Act as the President in the absence of the President, Internal Vice-President, and External Vice-President
  • Manage the Board’s review of, and action relating to its financial responsibilities, including properly maintaining UNAVSA’s 501(c)(3) status and business registration status.
  • Supports sponsorship team in seeking and applying for fundraising and sponsorship opportunities
  • Ensure timely processing of financial statements with appropriate government bodies, including working with third-party resources (e.g., accountants and lawyers)
  • Approves and manages all cabinet and conference committee budgets
  • Process all financial transactions and maintain accurate records of transactions
  • Must be one of the officers who shall sign checks or drafts of the organization. No special fund may be set aside that shall make it unnecessary for the Treasurer to sign the checks issued upon it
  • Serve as the Finance Director for the annual conference and the financial liaison for other major initiatives (e.g., SEARAC grant)
  • Maintenance of virtual assets, software, and accounts (e.g., payments, and renewals)
  • Prepare financial reports on a basis determined by the Executive Board for review by the Board of Directors

Anthony Tran
