How did you get involved with UNAVSA?
I have always had an interest and deep appreciation for the teams of volunteers that help create empowering opportunities and positive experiences for others. I attended my first conference, UNAVSA-11 Dallas, as a Family Leader to help create a fun and safe environment for others to connect, share and bond. This experience proved to be more than I could have imagined. My experience had truly created an enormously positive impact on my personal and professional life, and inspired me to do so much more. I have since continued my involvement with UNAVSA in other roles such as a UNAVSA-12 Family Programming Committee Member, UNAVSA-13 Family Programming Director, and UNAVSA-14 Co-Associate Direct
Tell us about a favorite memory working with UNAVSA.
My favorite memory with UNAVSA is typically a recurring one: it’s being able to see firsthand how this organization offers each individual involved within it, an opportunity to dream up a vision and work with others to plan for, execute and realize that vision. I believe that UNAVSA is able to challenge, enrich and transform a person’s life. It has been incredibly rewarding to be a part of a team with many different members with different skill sets, unite under a common vision, develop new skill sets and continue to work through challenges and to realize a certain initiative.
What do you do for a living now? How has UNAVSA made you the person you are today?
I currently work in Project Management and my experiences within UNAVSA have very much benefited my professional work life. My involvement has prepared me with many transferable experiences and skill sets. My roles have allowed me to learn a lot regarding my own personal leadership style but also helped further develop the interpersonal skills and organizational tools needed to work with such a complex and diverse team to plan and execute large-scale projects and events.
Throughout my involvement, UNAVSA has always encouraged me to take risks, to challenge myself, pursue new opportunities and gain the skills required to take on bigger and bigger challenges, within the organization and outside of it. It inspired me and helped me grow into the person I am today.
Thank you, Vanessa, for supporting UNAVSA by being an Advocate Alum!